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The documentary about Donald Trump that Congress subpoenaed has finally aired — but there doesn’t seem to be too much hard-hitting evidence that wasn’t already known.
Filmmaker Alex Holder‘s 3-part movie, “Unprecedented,” debuted publicly on Discovery+ Sunday … but from the reviews recapping what was actually shown as it relates to Jan. 6 — it sounds like no smoking gun exists in the footage, or at least in what Holder put out.
Congress seized 11 hours worth of film — and also had AH testify behind closed doors as well — but ya gotta figure anything truly damning would’ve been included in the final cut … and so far, it doesn’t seem like Trump said or did anything we haven’t heard before.
Several outlets which have watched the doc have done thorough recaps, and as far as Jan. 6 is concerned — it appears Holder only got Trump/his family on camera after the fact.
None of his kids opted to discuss it, but DT himself reportedly said this in the movie … “Well it was a sad day, but it was a day where there was great anger in our country.”
He adds, “People went to Washington primarily because they were angry with an election that they think was rigged. A very small portion, as you know, went down to the Capitol, and then a very small portion of them went in. But I will tell you they were angry from the standpoint of what happened in the election because they’re smart and they see and they saw what happened. And I believe that that was a big part of what happened on Jan. 6th.”
Aside from that, there doesn’t appear to be much else about Trump’s mindset during the actual day itself … but frankly, everyone has seen what he said publicly that day — and there’s also been testimony during these hearings that have shed some damaging light.
What Holder did make good on was his promise to us that his doc would expose that Trump’s campaign laid the groundwork for this whole mess right on election night … when they started rolling out an insidious strategy to try and keep Trump in office, at any cost.
Fox News
That much was certainly made clear. Congress’s interpretation of the doc are expected to be included in forthcoming hearings … time will tell what they have to say about it.
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