Alec Baldwin Files Motion To Dismiss Involuntary Manslaughter Charge

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Alec Baldwin is attempting to have his involuntary manslaughter cost dismissed in a brand new movement filed Monday.

That is the fifth time Baldwin has tried to have the cost towards him dismissed.

The Hollywood actor was charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter after fatally taking pictures cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the New Mexico film set in October 2021. On the time, he was working towards a cross-draw when the gun fired. He says he was instructed the weapon was not “hot” however the weapon did have bullets within the chamber.

The choose says they won’t rule till this Friday.

“The State’s strategy — trial by ambush — is grossly prejudicial and abhorred by courts,” Baldwin’s lawyer’s wrote. “The reason for that is obvious: Baldwin has had to divert substantial time and resources just to pursue the growing list of undisclosed discovery that continues to emerge from hiding — not to mention the time it takes to review more than 150,000 pages of documents and countless hours of audio recordings and videos that have been dumped on Baldwin just weeks before trial. Moreover, most of the State’s late disclosures were made after the dispositive motion and witness deadline. This alone demonstrates how seriously Baldwin has been prejudiced by the State’s misconduct.”

They need the cost dismissed resulting from destruction of proof.

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